
The CC1-Newsletter is part of the formal activities in Education of the commission. This Newletter was edited by Professor Barrie Jones from number 49 (October 1998) to number 76 (March 2012). After the IAU-GA in Beijing, in August 2012,  Larry Marschall, was elected as editor.

In the period 2015-2018 the Editorial Board includes Larry Marschall as editor, and Kathy Eastwood as co-editor.


Paulo Bretones made a search for the first editions of this publication.  Now,  these historical issues can be recovered from this site.

However, we continue to search for the issues: N.12 (July 1982), 23, 24, 24B and 25 (between 1987 and 1988).

We ask for help of the colleagues to search in their archives or institutions to get the missing issues and to complete the survey of the collection

Historical Newsletters (NEW!)

Newsletters 1-10 (1977-1981)
Newsletters 11-20 (1982-1986)
Newsletters 21-30 (1987-1990)
Newsletters 31-33 (1991)
Newsletters 42-46 (1995-1997)
Better versions of NL05, 06, 10, 14, 15, 41, 47 and 57 Supp. here.

 adobe_reader_logoNEWSLETTER #87 – May 25th, 2018

 adobe_reader_logoNEWSLETTER #86 – October 31st, 2017

 adobe_reader_logoNEWSLETTER #85 – April 11th, 2017

adobe_reader_logoNEWSLETTER #84 – December 8th, 2016

adobe_reader_logoNEWSLETTER #83 – June 15th, 2016